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The ways to give
your offering 

When we give, we acknowledge that God is the source of our blessings. Every blessing and every good thing in our lives comes from God. He is the one who opens up the doors and gives us the ability to produce wealth. Giving is a part of our worship and obedience toward God. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV), “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


The attitudes that we should have when we give are: give thoughtfully, enthusiastically, voluntary, and cheerfully. God is not a taker of your wealth but a giver of the good things you received in your lives. He is interested in looking at what is in your heart; he desires to transform your lives and bless you. Remember that God’s greatest concern is your heart and how you willingly obey Him.

ways you can Give your Offering:



You can give the offering

in the bucket at podium during Sunday Service.


IBC Tulsa Arvest Bank

Acc Number: 0029739077


Payable to: IBC TULSA


(918) 206-2770

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