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About us

“A home for transformation and the place where you belong!”

International Bethel Church (IBC) Tulsa has been built since October 2016. We are one of the international branches in the United States from the largest megachurches in Indonesia (Gereja Bethel Indonesia). We are mainly ministering to the Indonesian community and the multi-culture people living in Tulsa.


They call this Church a HOME where they feel they belong in this one big family in Christ. Feel loved, accepted, and transparent as they truly are become an open door for the positive transformation in their lives. Learning about Christ’s character through the Bible teaching and learning to be a “doer” of the Word help them to grow in their character to be more like Christ. This is the vision of this Church, transforming the Believers to be Christ-like. 


A heart for God. A home for people. A great mission to the world.

Our mission in this Church is: to nurture the love of God in the heart of the Believers; to be a Home for all nations to encounter God personally in their lives so they can experience transformation into Christ’s character; and as Christ’s messengers for bringing hope and the Good News for the society in the midst of difficulties. We strongly believe the transformation of the world starts with how far the Believers grow in knowing their God. As it is written in Daniel 11:32 (NKJV), “… but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”  When the Believers grow in maturity, knowing who God is, their lives will be transformed, and as a result, they will bring a great positive impact to society.


If you think this might be a place where you need to feel at home and to grow experiencing Christ personally in your lives? No doubt, this is the right place for you! We are welcoming you with an open heart!

our pastor:
Ps. Erlina Winn

Erlina Winn serves as the Lead Pastor in IBC Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was born in Jakarta-Indonesia; she moved to the United States in 2001 and now living in Tulsa as her home. 


Erlina graduated from The University of Indonesia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education Psychology of Guidance and Counselling. She joined several courses, including Missionary Training from Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF), Extension Theological School Certificate from Bethel Seminary Indonesia, The School of Acts at Semarang-West Java, and Behaviour Counselling from Behaviour Institute Indonesia. Since 1992, Erlina has been actively serving God under the covering of Bethel Church Indonesia, starting as a Head of Coordinator for Youth and Children ministry, and became an Associate Pastor in GBI Batu Penjuru Jakarta. She has been traveling around the world as a missionary and has been preaching in some churches in China, Malaysia, India, Brunei, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.


From 2001 to 2004, she served as a pastor in Indonesian Bethel Church Emmanuel, Honolulu, Hawaii. After that, she became a traveler evangelist and founded Erlina Winn’s ministry. In 2010, she responded to God’s calling to serve as a senior pastor at IBC Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her style of preaching is described as refreshingly transparent, encouraging, and practical. Erlina desires that people feel empowered and challenged to step out and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Besides that, she also loves outdoor sports activities; a marathon run is her favorite. The loving-kindness of her heart and warm personality that she has, make people easily feel accepted and loved in this community.


// Believe the Holy Bible as the authoritative Word of God: the foundation/standard for moral value. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12)


// Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour: Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent by God the Father as the ransom to redeem humanity from the punishment of the sins.

(Hebrews 1:1-2, Hebrews 4:14-15, 1 Timothy 2:5-6)


// Believe in one God - The Trinity of God: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, three divine persons in one being.

(1 Cor. 8:6, 1 John 5:6-8)


// Believe in the Baptism of the Spirit and the work of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit dwells in the believers and guides them to walk in sanctification and transform their character to be more like Christ. We believe also that speaking in tongue is the sign and manifestation of the baptism of the Spirit. It’s a gift from the Spirit.

(Acts 2: 38, Matthew 3:11)


// Water Baptism is the covenant relationship with God: water baptism is the symbol of cleansing/repentance/dead from the sin and rises again as the follower of Christ. It’s a statement of faith; the outward expression of an inward change.

(Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-14)


// Follow the Great Commandment and the Great Commissions: loving God, loving people, and doing the mission that Jesus teaches us to do.

(Matthew 22: 36-40, Matthew 28:16-20)


// Believe with the Final Judgment: God will judge humanity based on their faith and deeds while on this earth. (2 Tim. 4:1-5, 1 Cor. 15:52-57)

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